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Alexia Dalski
Hello i am Alexia, a young neuroscientist from Germany, interested in how learrning shapes our brain. I am a PhD-student at the AE Educational Neuroscience Lab, supervised by Dr. Mareike Grotheer at the Phillips University Marburg. Here I am investigating the neural basis of learning and skill acquisition, especially reading.
Being able to read is a fundamental daily task for most of us - but how our brain forms a word, a text or an entire story from a few strokes and dots has not yet been fully researched. With the help of fMRI experiments, I want to get to the bottom of this question and am currently investigating how the Visual Word Form Area (OTS-words) work.
Check out my latest preprint about what happens when we read text vs. emojis:
"Both mOTS-words and pOTS-words prefer emojis over text stimuli during a reading task"

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